The Lyskamm Marmot

  • Communication project: Falzone Studio

    Content development, copywriting: Ketty Parente

    Branding, graphic design, advertising: Davide Falzone

    Web development: Matteo Colombo

    Output: website, social, multimedia station, video, leaflet, totem, window decal, banners, merchandising.

  • Material: Nylon Ice

A wide-ranging project

The communication campaign for the presentation to the audience of the marmot mummy, highlighted the importance to integrate such retrieval within a larger-scale communication project of the Museum of Natural Sciences.

On one hand, the definition and review of the communication topics have described the Museum cultural and scientific interest/focus, on the other hand it described its educational calling.

During the rebranding process, the first step consisted in revisiting the pre existing visual identity. The project pertained to the Home and News restructuring and restyling, as well as the making of a scientific and informative digital showcase of the Lyskamm Marmot.

Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Efisio Noussan

The Museum of natural Science thanks to its exhibition itinerary describes and shows the ecosystem and the natural environment of Valle d'Aosta. The exhibition space is located in one of the most evocative and iconic castle of the region whose restoration and renovation have given a new life to this historic building. The museum combines the institutional activities of conservation, exposition of the findings and scientific education with the scientific research with the tool of modern biotechnologies to support the preservation of biodiversity.


Discover more:

Conveying a scientific finding

The goal of the project was to place the marmot mummy within an already established exhibition itinerary and framework.

In order to accomplish a more effective user experience, we tried to highlight focuses, goals and needs, as the interviews with the Museum team went by. It was decided to redesign the Home, the News, to plan a Newsletter, define the naming for the marmot and to create a web showcase which could describe the scientific and historical profile of the mummy, with the perspective of harmonising the communication of the Museum complex different souls.

Once that the Museum identity, vocations and goals were established, we developed more specialized texts and visual contents for the Lyskamm Marmot communication project.

Social Media

The communication campaign: mystique and expectations


The ice: a ductile material

The Lyskamm Marmot digital showcase

The digital showcase structures and contents are the result of a scientific overview, achievied thanks to the cooperation with scientists and researchers who have been studying the Lyskamm mummy.

Three layers of complexity have been taken into account: a first, general level where the user can freely move within the page, a second intermediate level, charachterized by more and more detailed and expandable tabs, and a third more specialised and specific level which refers to investigate into the News.

Infographics and visual elements complement and enhance the user experience.

Colours and typography


Video animation: Falzone Studio


Video and multimedia station

Video Animation: PuntoRec Torino


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